


PMTO Mobile; Technology; Police incidents; Quality; Agility.


The main objective of the present work was to promote an evaluation from a technical point of view on the technological contribution of PMTO Mobile in the service of police occurrences in the area of ​​jurisdiction of the 1st BPM of the Military Police of the State of Tocantins - PMTO, located in the municipality of Palmas / TO. To this end, an analysis of the history and implementation of the technology in question was carried out, as well as a field research having as target audiences the Head of the Statistics Section and the Operations Coordinators of the Integrated System of Operations - SIOP and the effective military police employed in radio patrols – RPs, of the 1st BPM of the PMTO. The research allowed to make a comparison between the period before and after the implementation of PMTO Mobile in the attendance of police occurrences, where it sought to analyze the functioning of PMTO Mobile in practice. Bibliographic research on the subject was also carried out, as well as on-site research observing the routine work that uses the technology studied, in order to identify both the benefits promoted by the technological advent, as well as possible flaws and / or gaps to be improved for a better quality and agility in meeting the police demands of the local population.


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How to Cite

Santos Martins Carvalho Batista, L., Tavares Vieira Almeida, J., Ribeiro dos Santos, W., & Gomes Barbosa, W. (2023). PMTO MOBILE AND ITS TECHNOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTION IN RESPONDING TO POLICE OCCURRENCES. Revista Do Instituto Brasileiro De Segurança Pública (RIBSP) - ISSN 2595-2153, 5(12), 55–68.