Memória do 11 de setembro em época da Nova História da (in) segurança estadunidense
Análise de discurso, História e memória, História, Memória, Mídia, Sociedade, Segurança estadunidenseAbstract
Abstract: This work, through francophone discourse analysis, intends to demonstrate how the discursive elements, especially History and Memory, are present in the textual genre magazine cover - Época - Editora Globo, whose theme is linked to the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, since 2021 was the year of the second decade in which the American population remembered what happened in their territory. This means that the research is justified by the effects of meaning traversed by the history and memory of a people in which the media makes use of the discourse mixed with profit in order to maintain the dictates of capital. In addition, this object brings reflections in the light of modern society regarding the consequences that crime through terror causes in the community. The study anchored in Michel Foucault promotes basic elements of the theoretical-methodological plan studied by the philosopher as he describes and interprets the nuances found in this textual typology; this without forgetting authors such as Burke, Gregolin, Certeau, Rago, among others, who bring essential developments to the study, such as the New History. As for the results achieved, the research reveals the importance that Discourse Analysis inserts into the studies of textual genres and how the media explores History and Memory as marketing elements in the context of world security.
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